
Full Proof of Stake Coin
for Virtual Worlds
with Real Economies

Battlestar Coin was created by a dev team and community committed to an experimental collaboration with private enterprise. Based on Blackcoin’s Proof of Stake v3 wallet for maximum stability, security, speed and a fair reward system, the first coins were distributed through the process of participant holders of our sister project, Bitstarcoin, ‘burning’ a quantity of their coins in return for a proportional share, as a means to establish a vested interest without resorting to a public sale or ‘ICO’

Founded on the principle of utilising the unique qualities of cryptocurrency in a neat and simple package with the aim of providing a transaction layer for digital game platforms to be able to offer a mechanism to reward their players’ participation in their virtual economy.

Fungible Value

Unique Commerce-Backed Value Mechanism

Simple & Secure

Cryptographically Secured Transaction Layer

In-Wallet Staking

1,440 Opportunities Per Day to Earn a 36 BATL Block Reward


No Energy-Hungry Mining Needed for This CoinJust Your Desktop Wallet

Where to buy
Battlestar Coin (BATL)

These are the places you can buy or sell Battlestar coins.


Cryptocurrency Exchange for Multiple Markets

Growing Partner Network

Battlestar Coin has partners in the Metaverse!

MODN METL(Commercial Partner)

Metaverse Mall

Virtual Realty Plugin(Minecraft Server Onboarding)

Virtual Real-Estate Flipping for Fun and Reward
Additional resources

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Join our Discord server where community members will be happy to answer your questions!